Schabe Wedding - Noise & Avantgarde Concert & Performance - 21.10.2018 Come and see, open up and hear: STIGMATIC DESTRUCTION (musique concréte with DIY instruments, Budapest/HUN), ROVAR 17 + SYPORCA WHANDAL (avant noise with body art performance, Budapest/HUN), + DJ Set. Doors = 20h Noise = 21h End = 24h Damage = 3-5 € Trigger WARNING! Use of blood and nudity. Check also:
ROVAR17 & SYPORCA WHANDAL feat. ZOPÁN NAGY Experimental noise with body art performance
Pairing noise music with performance art, it often works with astonishing musical and visual elements. Caution! This show is suitable for disrupting tranquility. We do a very massive above 18 years body art performance - that may happen we use nude female body, black paints and blood. Rovar17 is responsible for music, while the performers are Syporca Whandal and Zopán Nagy.
ROVAR17 Experimental noise The phenomenon of Rovar17 (Insect17 in English) was born 31st of August 2002, what is basically Kálmán Pongrácz's solo project, but different kinds of collaboration often occur with musicians, visual artists, performers as well as theater, so Rovar17 is a member of several bands as ParaNoiZ, Royal Hungarian Noisemakers or the Százaség? was (from 2013 to 2015). The music is made by audio collage technique, which rejects the traditional sound system, harmony, melody, even rhythm, and creates compositions from inconsistent and untempered sounds, noises. The source is natural or electronic, but the most preferred is the inclusion of human voices. This act has already seen more than 350 concerts and performances, and has played all across Hungary, in Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
ZOPÁN NAGY Body art performance Zopán Nagy is a poet, photographer and artist. A spiritual man with wide-ranging knowledge and sophistication. Like a man of paradoxes - he screws one more thing: as if try to take a photo of Hell in Heaven. He follows his own ghostly visions. It fuses and provokes the chance. Intensive philosophy and imagination-attention are the motivates - just like his poems - he constantly reflects on himself in the works. His mystical involvement exists in philosophical paradoxes. (Tibor Miltényi)án
SYPORCA WHANDAL Body art performance Syporca Whandal a multidisciplinary experimental artist who focuses primarily on visual arts - exhibitions, performances and visual presence, but she deals with writing, poems, fanzines, and sound poetry.She stretchs the ambivalent limits of death and immortality, purity, and sin. Her creative fanaticism goes beyond the fictitious manifested labyrinth of linear goals as her physical being and creative power find restlessness in the pseudo-existence eternal uneasiness. The works surrounded that Babel sized tower of shit where, our roar is not heard by the non-existent destroyer... Who can only digest with the ruthless resignations of humanity to himself, which is pushing down on our throat right now... The creative egoism goes beyond the fictitious labyrinth of linear goals. "Fuck your money! I want your soul! " Anyone who stay human will be immortal in the rest.
Last but not least, Gellért Gádor - the former resident sound technician of the Auróra, who is now freelancer - is responsible for the perfect sound of the event.
na ja, trotz aller warnung hat es eine person geschafft, kurz ohnmächtig zu werden. ist doch eine bessere rate, als hätten dutzende versorgt werden müssen. daher die berechtigung der warnung. nächstes mal darfst du dich auch gerne in die liste der helfenden eintragen, dann haben wir einen passing out-beauftragten.
Die Frage ist da auch, in welcher Szene (noch/überhaupt) Menschen Musik machen, von denen man/frau/d etwas nacktes sehen will. Die gab es meines Eindrucks auch nie
Zitat von S_SchneidIch hatte das jetzt eher als Werbung verstanden ^^
So einer der Punkte, an denen es hängt:
Als Werbung oder Beschreibung wäre das was anderes, deshalb hab ich auch einen Beitrag entfernt - weil der zu beidseitig nutzbar war, der wäre nicht auf das ....hmhm.... anmaßliche einer TRigger-Warnung" hinausgekommen....
Ich überleg auch noch, ob ich ds Spezielle und gerade in dem Zusammenhang einer "Body Art(!) Perfomance" überhaupt noch versuche klar zu machen oder ob das nicht vergebliches Gemurmel wird im öffentlichen Sound....
Zitat von minorDie Frage ist da auch, in welcher Szene (noch/überhaupt) Menschen Musik machen, von denen man/frau/d etwas nacktes sehen will. Die gab es meines Eindrucks auch nie
Hm, muss man es denn sehen wollen? Ich find ja die Freiheit des Künstlers ganz gut.