? BRANDON SPIVEY & RICHIE ANDERSON (Audio Riots - Drop Bass Network) LIVE - UK ? COEXSYSTEMS (Special Weapons/Badback/Holzplatten) LIVE - DE ? XOSPHR (Impakt/Shadowboxing) DJ - BE ? D-TRONIK (Electro-Activity) DJ - BE ? CURT COCAIN (FreakSoundz/Demolition dirt Crew) DJ - DE ? Q-CHIP (Bunker/Solar One) DJ - UK ? SHVLFCE (Gabber Noir) DJ - USA
? MATT GREEN (Epileptik/Special Forces/HK Violence) DJ - UK ? ARS DADA (Peace Off/Cock Rock Disco/Braincore) LIVE - NOR ? H-KON (Clash Of The Titans/Praxis) DJ - DE ? AMBOSS (Praxis/Mindbender/No Room For Talent) LIVE - DE ? GRR (Industrial Strength/Mechanical Brain) LIVE - IT ? ZIM (Helldrop) DJ - DE ? BEATXO (Helldrop) DJ - DE
BRANDON SPIVEY & RICHIE ANDERSON The perverted, extreme and forceful sound of audio deviants Richie Anderson and Brandon Spivey. These audio hooligans are based in the North of England and have been making hard acid and disrespectful techno since since 1993. They have had releases on labels such as Alien Reign, Kill Out, Drop Bass Network, Epsilon, Deadly Systems, 666, Toolbox, appearing on the early Spiral Tribe mixtapes (sp23k) etc... Working under names such as Prole Synthesis/Asymetric/Wah Wah/Agro/Acab/Collective Strength. They described their music as fucked up acid and techno and have done their best to follow their own course and only to do what is instinctive to themselves.
MATT GREEN Growing up in the London borough of Hackney, Matt Green was quickly infected by the Electro and Hip-hop hitting the alternative alleys of the nineties. He bought his first sampler (at the age of 12!), started creating and later on, everything fell into place and by the year of '96 when Matt released his first EP. He then, quickly had the chance to release several guest EPs on labels like Epileptik, Hong Kong Violence and many more.
With a respected list of past performances, including sets at Hellraiser, Darkness4life and the r_AW event, Matt Green continues his hardcore battle on stage. Strength and intensity are just a couple of words describing the waves that bleed from Matt Greens' live-sets. A familiar style to the loyal follower, with an ever going need to push the distinct Matt Green sound forward. http://www.discogs.com/artist/44675-Matt-Green https://soundcloud.com/matt-green ---------------------------------------
COEXSYSTEMS Coexsystems from Germany is part of the techno scene since 1994. He is founder of the vinyl label Audio Riots and the Acidcore broadcast Fucked Up! Furthur he is co-founder of the vinyl label E.A.R and co-organisator of the Ground Zero event. His tracks are released on labels like Holzplatten, Narcosis, Special Weapons, Analogate, Photon Emissions, E.A.R and Audio Riots. To reach the purest form of Acidcore he works in the studio as well as live with hardware equipment like TR-909/TB-303/FR-777/DSI Evolver. http://www.discogs.com/artist/Coexsystems https://soundcloud.com/coexsystems ---------------------------------------
ARS DADA is Erlend Bilsbak, a breakcore/dubstep/hardcore artist/drummer based in Oslo. Ars Dada has released shitloads of wicked albums and EP´s on various labels like Peace Off, Cock Rock Disco, Braincore... He played festivals and venues all over Europe, Russia and the US, where he's shared stage with some big names in underground electronic music such as Bong-Ra, DJ Donna Summer, FFF, Xanopticon, Venetian Snares, Otto Von Schirach, Drumcorps and many more. Altough, this is his first time in Berlin, so don´t miss him! https://soundcloud.com/arsdada ---------------------------------------
D-TRONIK D-Tronik is DJing Electro/Electro-Funk/Hip-Hop/Techno/IDM since more than 15 years in local Belgian events. With indiscutable scratch and cut creative techniques that has now reached a high degree of quality, he delivers, perfectly beatmatched and brought together, tactical tunes that would awaken the most rusted android from the last cosmic war. https://soundcloud.com/d-tronik-1 https://soundcloud.com/d-tronik-o2 ---------------------------------------
XOSPHR is a dj and event organizer in Brussels. He began to DJ and organize underground evenings in early 2000 as Electro-Activity (with artists such as E.V.A.C., Stormfield, the Dexorcist,...) with the nickname Autokinetik and participated in several projects such as Shadowboxing (with UltraDyne ...) or NYE Acid Rave (Cosmic force, global goon ...) etc. His latest project Impakt brought together artists like Ceephax, Luke Vibert, Minimum syndicat, The black dog ... XOSPHR is a mix between techno, acid and idm with a spatial atmosphere, mechanical pulsions and a lot of drama. https://soundcloud.com/xosphr ---------------------------------------
H-KON Representing Praxis Records and Clash of the Titans, H-Kon is a wicked DJ and music maniac who has been killing it for years and years. If you have not experienced his marvellous selections yet, phasing from Breakcore to Jungle and across, you NEED to come by and get busy on the dancefloor! And if you have heard him play before, then get another dose at VOID, you know you want it. https://soundcloud.com/h-kon ---------------------------------------
AMBOSS Massive, that´s the word to define one of the hardest drum and bass producer in Berlin! He released reference albums on pioneer labels like Mindbender Records, No Room For Talent, Restroom and others... Hook up to survive a thick storm of phat hoovers, sweeping heavy beats and dark doomed athmosphears. http://soundcloud.com/amboss ---------------------------------------
GRR is somehow not to present if you hang out in the actual Berliner underground scene. Into music creation since more than 10 years, he released kicking hard hybrid Breakcore EP´s on Sub/Version (Praxis), Industrial Strength, Mechanical Brain.... and organized numerous sick parties in Friedrichshain´s hood. http://soundcloud.com/grrsgnarl ---------------------------------------
CURT COCAIN is a dj since 2001 and plays since 2003 in Berlin city clubs. In 2010 he builds FreakSoundz crew and organises gigs in Arthouse Tacheles and clubs Spielraum, Subland and Kili. His favorite sounds are hard based, from Acid to Drum´n Bass, Breakcore and so on. Everything but minimal and house. http://www.mixcloud.com/curtcocain ---------------------------------------
Q-CHIP Manages to remain something of an enigma within the electro scene despite DJ performances at the legendary ORBIT (UK), FUTURE PAST and DARKSIDE parties. Little is known about this producer. His releases on BUNKER and SOLAR ONE caused reviewers to speculate about his identity, whilst raving about his tracks. An extreme electro blast using powerful, raw baselines with extreme electrical currents, contorting melodies and twisted harmonies cause dancefloors to disintegrate. Lose yourself in cinematic atmospheres and robotic cold paranoia, as the convulsive treatment is administered by the inhumane sounds of Q-Chip, in this rare public appearance. http://www.discogs.com/artist/2738390-Q-Chip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q9hcToFOXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5abdQ5Dxzo ---------------------------------------
ZIM got hooked on the drum-n-bass virus when he lived in warsaw. Later on he started DNB evenings in Bamberg, Germany, then moved to Berlin in 2011 and teamed up with Beatxo to form HellDrop. https://soundcloud.com/bassvergleich ---------------------------------------
BEATXO Escaped from Colombia and stranded in Berlin for 8 years, his passion to metal/Industrial/Techno/Drum and bass brought him to DJ a mixture of fat, nasty and dark electronic sounds for now 10 years. Responsible with Helldrop crew and Bogotrax for organizing numerous events, he offered many artists a place on various Berliner hellish stages. http://soundcloud.com/helldrop ---------------------------------------
Ey.... Matt Green und Brandon Spivey + The Porridge Gun aka A'Simetric, A.C.A.B., Agro, Collective Strength, EVO, Prole Synthesis, Simetric, Wah Wah ... ... dazu der schicke Amboss.
Ich wollte mir von 1-2 ja Amboss geben, aber... die Anlage im kleinen Floor war sowas von mies - das hat keinen Spass gemacht. Auch nich zu Kurt Cocaine (?) - der ne Weile guten Acid gezockt hat.
Aber.... Floor 1 .... irgendwer vor Coexsystems... super Sound - der dann leider leiser gemacht wurde. Allerdings fehlte mir da irgendwie der Faden in dem Set - aber ich war auch grad erst rein.
Dann kam Coexsystems. ... BÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄMMMMMM!!!!
So ziemlich das beste was ich an aktuellem Acidcore in letzter Zeit gehört habe. Und der hat live gespielt. ... Könnte sogar ne Roland gewesen sein, aber auch alles andere... konnte ich nich erkennen. Soundtechnisch die Anlage auf dem großen Floor: richtig richtig geil! N ganz klein wenig lauter hätte es sein dürfen, aber ... war schon echt gut. Bin dann dort auch geblieben... weil... au man, das war einfach super - und Amboss nebenan klang einfach mistig. -.-
Danach Brandon und Richie.... Woooooooosh! Eigentlich n sehr geiles Set - aber leider leider leider hatte man sich entschieden alte und neue Tracks im Wechsel zu spielen. Und das war soundtechnisch leider derbe fail - weil die alten doch nach sehr matschig und flach klangen - die neuen viel lauter und dynamischer. Auch als man das dann zumindest lautstärketechn. auf die Kette bekommen hat ... es war einfach nicht zu überhören. Das is mir damals in der Köpi auch schon aufgefallen - aber diesma wars noch viel krasser. Schade - weil die Mucke: erste Sahne.
Irgendwann war dann so derbe Nebel dass ich nix mehr sehen konnte und mir tränten die Augen ... beim Sitzplatz ertasten bin ich dann noch halb über Herrn Fringeli gefallen.
Abgesehen von der kurzen Zwangspause hab ich aber zu Coexsystems und Spivey/anderson durchgetanzt.
Dann kam Matt Green ... und der hat die Hütte dann mittels Über-Bass bald abgerissen. Alter!!!
Das war mir dann erstma bissl zu heftig - aber nebenan war halt immernoch... naja.... also meine Anlage im Auto kann halt mehr - und die is eigentlich Scheiße. Also bissl pausiert... und dabei wurde ich dann von irgendwem vollgetextet - Druffi - der - wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe (war laut) - mir erzählte, dass Matt Green bei ihm im Cinemax eine Ausbildung gemacht hat. ... Naja, ... oder sowas ähnliches.
Jor, so zum ende hin von Matt bin ich dann auch los.
Void-Eindruck: sehr gut. Freundliche Tür, freundliche Bar, top Anlage aufm Mainfloor - aber Schrott aufm zweiten (?), Publikum gemischt. Melchen hab ich gesehen, kurz mit ZFE geschnakt und bissl mit Rübezahl abgetanzt.
Jo, die Party war sehr fett. Am geilsten waren die beiden mit der Hardware. War auf jedenfall ne 303 dabei, oder zumindest ein sehr ähnlich aussehender Clone. Aber auch das meiste andere sehr gut! Bin bis zum Ende geblieben
Kurz ein paar Gedanken zum Void: Türsteher scheinen wirklich besser nun zu sein. Getränkepreise recht hoch, und die Angaben auf der Karte total falsch. Schon nervig wenn auf der Karte 2,70 für 0,5l steht und man dann 0,33l für 2,80 bekommt. Anlage im großen Floor sehr gut, und jetzt auch mehr Platz, dadurch dass der komische Riesensub jetzt weg ist. Im Barfloor ziemlich mies. Viel zu leise und klang auch nicht gut. Gar kein Bass. Total daneben: Irgendeine vom Club hat die Flyer von der Party eingesammelt wo ich nächste Woche spiele. "Keine Fremdwerbung". Hat die bei der Hotelzimmer Gottes nicht gestört, aber auf dem Programm fürs Void steht für den selben Tag auch ne Party mit Psytrance drin, vielleicht deshalb? (Die Party wo ich spiele ist ein Floor Darkpsy) Wie auch immer ziemlich scheissig. Was ist denn das für ne kack Einstellung?