Wie war dein erstes mal? Das letzte mal ein Abendmahl mal 1 eins mal war einmal auch nicht das erste mal das letzte.
Mit following Guests:
Ayankoko ( New Laptop Noise)
Samin Son (Overtone Singing)
Malikah (Tap Dance)
H.A. van Hees (Old Laptop and other misc)
Sons of Wu (BastardFlute x Drum'n'Doublebass Madness)
------------------------------------------- **Samin Son** (Seoul 1988), is a multimedia artist. Currently based in Berlin, he has previously lived in Korea and New Zealand. His works have been exhibited around Europe, Oceania, Asia and North America.
Since 2007, Samin Son works in a variety of fields, across various media and instruments, including live performance and sound, videos, paintings, installations, as well as DJing and productions; in experimental settings in exhibitions and shows.
Main themes and areas of interest include myths and ideas about (re)birth, (re)death, and cycles of life. His work delves into ideas of (re)birth, (re)death and cycles of life. Furthermore, through also focussing on and using repetition and transformative processes, it explores symbolic aspects of life.
https://soundcloud.com/saminson -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Hailing from Perpignan, **Ayankoko** is master (or slave)of the Max/MSP-patch ppooll. He put over 45 releases on the web in Spain, UK , Germany, Mexico, Russia, France, and also Ayanrecords netlabel owner. He developed his art from 2004 through the internet and the use of Creative Commons and open sources. His music ranges from noise to ambient frecuencies, abstract drones, minimal beats, DIY electronica, to instrumental improvisation and/or production.
https://ayankoko.bandcamp.com/ ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- Grown up in Taiwan, she went to New York to learn tap-dance from the masters. Now **Malikah** is touring the world and spreading the tap all over. She likes to experiment with Sound, Material and improvising with others. For this special occasion she will come to Berlin to team up with H.A. van Hees.
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- H.A. van Hees (member of the B.S.E.- collective) will come with his Camper-Van from Holland and will probably wear wooden shoes. He is priest in the church of the black sand, he is secret member of infamous Radio Patapoe Mokum, is somehow afilliated with the SotU-Festival in Amsterdam and the worse half of DolKaMar.
Zitat von Rübezahl H.A. van Hees (member of the B.S.E.- collective) will come with his Camper-Van from Holland and will probably wear wooden shoes. He is priest in the church of the black sand, he is secret member of infamous Radio Patapoe Mokum, is somehow afilliated with the SotU-Festival in Amsterdam and the worse half of DolKaMar.
Yaman, das ist doch der Eene von den Fkn Bastards & er pennt wohrscheinlich bei mir, hab eben nach nem Flyer wg. den Event ausschow gehalten, suberrr, sehn uns do?
Halvis is H.A. van Hees and Frank, a hitchhiker van Hees picked up on the way to Berlin. He liked his voice, they fell in love (musically) and will play a duet for voice and noise
Last minute addition to the Line Up because what is live without surprises! After finishing the Timetable i realised, there might be a 0,1% probability that the Loophole is still standing after this event. To reduce this probability to zero, i decided to invite these professional destruction unit who just came back from Switzerland, where they played in a squat called Pornodiesel (!) and left nothing but burned earth. Wicked!
Ja war sehr gut, und viele Leute gekommen, das hat mich gefreut. Ist immer schwer die Musik zu geniesen wenn ich selber viel zu tun hab und dieses mal hab ich auch noch den Sound gemacht. Aber mit steigendem Pegel, hab ich das dann den Leuten selber überlassen und konnte dann entspannen