“Der Metal Kampf” (translated by the German: The Metal Battle) This song, my very first ever written song as Abgott… I wrote it back in winter 1997 with the very first incarnation of Abgott itself: me on vocals, guitars and bass Nephilim Odino Flauros (Michele Milano) on drums Massimo on Keyboards.
(This recording hasn’t got a bass guitar as it was played by the keyboardist) It was/is a direct line recording, hence the poor quality, but hey I guess that is what Black metal is all about, isn’t it? Pure to its core, before turning into the extravagant creature it turned out to be.
A bit of back story You might be thrilled to know, that Abgott private rehearsal studio, back then (we were fairly “posh” or “penniless” you chose what you prefer - hahaha), was an abandoned Slaughter House. In Italy Slaughter House got banned in the 90’s, so we found this massive “clean” room, with hooks all over, a natural reverb, with still industrial electricity active and running water, and it had to be ours!!!… Hence, we squatted it, turning it into be my studio/rehearsal/recording, bedroom/house/debauchery kingdom… hahaha, I guess it added a feeling to the whole recording…, a feeling of rawness and cold killing, blood splatter aura… m/, Shame I do not have photos of the place… after 3 and half years, I moved to London and of course the place got found out and sold to the … “Police Department” and now it has turned into a police station hahaha… I bet at night, they can still hear my screams and the sound of pounding Black Metal… mixed to noise of raw sex, uber drunk rants and yes Satanic Rituals… 616.
music by Sebastian Fischbeck lyrics by Benjamin Linz mixed and mastered by Jan at Hidden Planet Studio
Nicht sichtbar für einfache Augen Reiter des Todes im schwarzen Gewand Unermessliche Gier, nach menschlichem Licht Dein Atem verdirbt, was vorher lebte
Jahrhunderte alter Geist Verborgen im Strudel der Hölle Auf jenen Moment gewartet, im Schatten der Zeit
Unstillbare Gier, nach menschlichem Licht Nimmst ihr, was sie so erhofft Im Dunkel der Nacht, schleichst du herein Dein Atem verdirbt, was vorher lebte
Diener des Todes Von dunklem Geblüt Herrscher der Schreckens Niemals Gnade gewährt