ZitatThis is my 1st official DJ Mix in 15 years since "VITAMIN GEE" in 2001 LOL : This mix contains only solo tracks by me and collaborations I have done with others. Now, I have done collaborations with some of my Old School Family, as well as my new Mainstream, Hardstyle, Rawstyle, Uptempo, Frenchcore, & Sickcore Famiglia too. So you will get all of what Rob GEE is doing these days. To me it is all HARDCORE and that is why I call myself ROB GEE no matter what I do. This is my gift to you all with an open mind. Free High Quality mpGEE download. Oh there are 3 little guest appearances from The Homies Linkin Park, Slipknot, & System Of A Down. Thank You & #PositivianVibes ~Rob GEE
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