It is the year 2366. Earth was destroyed during the war with the restroom troopers from planet WC0815. The deplorable rest of mankind is living on uranus participating in the last scientific human project called "Testphase 1" to save mankind from extinction. They are trapped in a "Zeitschleife" and the only sense of their dark live is to wait for the next dose of the "Schwarze Essenz". The only drug they get happy with.
They know that they live in "The Outer Zone" beeing not only the target of the killing shadow rays but also of the top restroom soldier "Blade Runner" willing to kill all humans. And he is very succesfull. Mankind is chanceless. The last man standing just thinks in his ultimate moment "My Past Is Your Future"! We all die!
Restroom12013 - gfb vs. iGoA - shadow rays - 12"
gfb01 - blade runner (4.05) gfb02 - my past is your future (5.10) gfb03 - the outer zone (5.00)