Hello dear boys and girls,
How ya all doing? Personally I'm fine, thank you. So I'm sitting here and listening to some good old speedcore vinyls. Damn, these were the days! Do you remember? USN, Mascha, Brutal Chud, Cerebral Destruction, BDR, Kopfkrank... And many of those freetracks, tracker mods! Most of them was really good and it's a shame that they was never properly released, some of them are probably lost forever... Was it the golden age for speedcore? Because today's stuff on all those net-labels doesn't seem very good and I don't follow any facebooks, tweeters and so on. So now I have this particular question - are there any good speedcore producers left, who's tracks are worth releasing on vinyl? In fact, I'll be doing one, so here's what we do: send me your demos (prefered unreleased) to e-mail: hlabhalash[a]yahoo[dot]com. If your track is good - you'll be contacted within 7 days. Tell this to all your friends who might be interested. Speedcore's not dead!