The first generation of punks lived by the No Future principle, as sung by the Sex Pistols, until heroin mowed them down. There’s no future for them anymore, but we keep on struggling in it. At least, Crass showed us how to give a meaning to the struggle. Cyberpunk pioneer, writer William Gibson, was over-optimistic in his foreseeing of proesthetics development and availability of bionic limbs. He was, though, quite accurate in his depiction of a reality of stratified, atomized society, where new technologies accelerate evolution of the lowest, darkest human traits and instincts. A reality controlled by the multinational corporations- inhuman entities driven by bottomless greed, trying to mold humanity into their image. The earth is dying, and they externalize the cost. There was not a single day of peace on earth since World War Two, as war is the best way to keep business going. Artificial intelligence, instead of taking humanity by the hand into the new golden age, is trying to scam call your grandmother into buying overpriced nano silver particle healing cooking pots. Sound familiar?
If, when cyberpunk is mentioned: you think more about matters like the above, than about matching neon hair extensions with useless welding goggles; if you still believe that punk can be more than a re-enactment of failed, long gone, 40 years old rebellion:then we want to see you at our festival. You are going to hear lots of amplified human rage; shouted into the microphones, sped up, chopped, distorted and dirty. The kick-drums will hit like echoes of cluster bomb explosions , the snares will fall upon your head like shards of glass and debris. There will be soundtracks for your daily conquest of bread made of plastic and GMO, bread you can afford less and less everyday, on the way back from your workplace soon to be taken from you by robots. But there will also be fight songs, songs of resistance and songs of naive hope for the future, a future shaped by us doing too little, too late.
Full lineup to be released this week, hold tight and observe. All the money from the party will go directly to independent anarchist collectives, engaged in helping people on the move, unlucky enough to be born few paralles too low from safety, to pass their risky journey into fortress europe. Fuck the borders.
Für mich, trotz aller Bemühungen, ist das, was ich da gelesen habe, das größte Konzeptfail, das ich mitbekommen habe, seit meiner bewussten Distanzierung von Parties mit gutgemeintem Motto, auf denen dann vor allem gesoffen und gequarzt wird.
ZitatNo future - Fuck the borders.
Hat sich Putin auch gedacht. Und feiert gleich mal ordentlich unter diesem Motto mit.
Auf dem festival wird aufjedenfall gesoffen und gequarzt. Aber alle die mitmachen bzw. spielen werden nicht bezahlt und das gesamte festivaleinkommen wird zu unterstutzung von polnischen No Border Movement verwendet, um leute aus Belarus und Ukraine zum fluchten und ueber die europaeische grenzen zum rueberkommen zu helfen.
Das ist das hauptkonzept diesen festivals, und das grund auf dem es organisiert wurde.
This is timetable and it is packed. Was a tough job for us to set the price. We really wanted to, despite raging inflation, make this festival accessible to anyone. It is possible only because of hard, unpaid work of all our crew, and the artists coming for free from all over the europe, most of them not even asking for return of travel costs. They are doing it with us because of solidarity with the crews fighting the antihuman europeam antimmigration system that is destroying and taking lives of innocent people. For those crews we are directing all the profit that will be made on tickets, merch, balloons and 30% of the profit from the bar. We want to raise as much as possible, so if you can afford it, feel free to donate more and buy the two day ticket ahead. If we know costs are returned first night already, we can sleep well saturday, there will not be a chance for it anymore till monday. We also encourage you to regenerate well between the sessions, thats why the friday night last only till 7. You can come to Warsztat from 19.00. We will try to deliver something warm to eat during the noborder panel and Roma Illegale projection. As you probably know, we do not tolerate racism, sexism, xenophobia or any asshole behavior in general. See you.