First video for the series, Bloodtaste by team Jingle Legs SNM and Intactrods video by VJ Mina.
Musical Chairs is an audiovisual game where the players will have to illustrate one of Arteechoke's visual artworks, teaming together for finding the sounds (loops, voices, drums, etc...) and make a track matching their audio material. The goal : illustrate Ben's Arteechoke Studios artworks with a track.
Team "Bloodtaste" Players : intactrods, SNM
Final edit by VJ Mina
Track on Soundcloud [soundcloud][/soundcloud]
Mal gucken wann VJ Mina das nächste Video (Vojeet - Insectoid [technohouse oder sowas, auf jeden Fall was ganz anderes als sonst]) rausbringt. Seit kurzem ist sie Vice Mayor in irgendeiner franz. Kommune und hat gut zu tun.