Ach, das ist wieder so ein Berliner Zeug, zumindest lande ich beim Suchen automatisch in Berlin:
ZitatAnd suddenly it turns out and becomes obvious that actually there is a very strong connection between punk/hc and parenthood. It’s even a double connection. First there is my just described political standard (let’s call these values anarchistic or just human for my sake) influencing the way I raise my children. And secondly there is the situation within the scene with all it’s widespread tough guy shit and classic, restrictively lived out gender role models.
I want to empower my daughter to grow up in the conviction that she can do everything she wants. And I want to encourage my son to piss on the corporate demands of being tough like a “real” man. It’s still not easy for girls in a man’s world, but at least it is a bit more accepted by society when girls break the stereotype, whereas boys are still vilified as “pussy” if they don’t follow the unwritten rule of male supremacy. I want my kids to experience and live democracy, to have compassion with other people and animals, to take care of their environment, in short to be no arseholes.
And I want punk/hc to be a threat to this sexist society, to make a change towards equality, to be a space of freedom, where “outcasts”, who don’t want to follow the law of the fittest, can be as they are. That’s why I yearn for a punk/hardcore scene, which stands consequently for feminism or which at least is critically reflecting it’s oppressive stereotypes. And there already are good approaches and always have been, which is the reason why I still consider punk/hc as my scene, as an important part of my identity. But there also is the other part in punk and hardcore, with it’s tough guy attitude, which permanently reproduces these oppressive hierarchy against womyn and men who are out of step.
Frauen sind nicht exklusiv von tough guy shit betroffen. Hatte ich am WE erst nach einer langen Nacht hinterm Tresen. Tough Guy überconfident auf wasweißich, der sich mit 8 anderen Gästen prügeln will. *nerv
Zitat von viktor Gibts eigl dieses Jahr wieder Carnivore????
aktueller stand: nein
Das wäre wirklich schade Hat sehr großen Spaß gemacht die letzten Jahre! In meinen Augen eine Demonstration der Freiheit inmitten des von Jahr zu Jahr schlimmer werdenen pseudo-offenen Mainstream Komerz drum herum. Darf man nach euren Gründen fragen?
Zitat von kowareta-vojeetHier ein kleiner Vorgeschmack für die, die kommen und die, die nicht da sein können.
Kranker Scheiß! Freu mich schon riesig auf dein Set!