This time I took some inspiring experimental and noise tunes to bring up a less extroverted, but hopefully psychedelic atmosphere for those who didn´t get totally lost in the temptating maelstrom of instructed 4/4 - weekend consumerism and other capitalistic efficiency values, yet.
You are welcome to dig these names and releases and praise, invite or even donate them:
Felix Blume - Underground in Kiev (Field Recording) Brand nu Bastards - 25. Bore [01:31] Suffering Profusion - Released [02:29] Various Artists @ Egotrip Tour, Wroclaw - Collaboration Set Live [06:19] Suffering Profusion - No devil ! [11:24] Nicola Tirabasso - Landscape suicide #2 [13:29] Detleff Glanert - Small Daddle Diddledo music [14:40] Nozomu Matsumoto x Toiret Status - Mimic [17:52] Zimt Bindemittel - Firmament 8 [20:22] Oblaka - No, I never saw them [25:03] David M. Paganin - Shrugs of Eternity [28:03] David M. Paganin - Evanescent Elephant [33:46] Unknown Artist - Tape 1 [36:18] Yves Tumor - Serpent I [37:38] Unknown Artist - Le nfant [39:58] Rabbitsquirrel - The thick taste of dilated time is overwhelming [41:34] Kathi Jinani - Healing (Sport Mix) [45:05] 666†?vandal{"unlimited_upload_kôta":false, - [[™‚Æ?¢Ê??Ê?¢Ê]] [48:30] Nebulo - Chop Shape [51:42] Siete Notas - El Estanquillo (Quixosis Edit) [54:20] Magnetbandstadl - Frequenzschmankerl [58:38] Del_F64.0 - Artifizielle Makroorganismen / Underground [61:36] Zimt Bindemittel - Tired Techno (Winkelkreuz auf 8 Uhr) [68:58] Smilecythe - Moat of Chagrin [71:22] Unknown Artist - Most (Field Recording) [72:52] Mono - Obey your signal only [73:47] Unterlala - Woodzone 2.01 [76:08] Hans Schleckner Trio - Trio Piante Infestanti [78:10] Rabbitsquirrel - By context, their presence was even more perplexing [84:34] Johann Pachelbel - Ciacona in d-minor [88:02]