ZitatEgotrip is a traveling group of improvising beings currently on tour, creating an audio-visual experience night after night.
There are defined projects which have been collaborating since years, familiar to each other, as well as spontaneous experiments between complete strangers randomly mixed together every night.
Everyday it's new though everyday is the same as well. Experience is adding up and the artists are getting to know each other better over time, creating a more and more intense entanglement with each concert.
Improvised music, performance, dance, live videorecording and projections. Literally everything can happen. Come and wittness the egos at work.
----- Umami Live prezentuje "Egotrip#27" i tym razem kieruje si? z Berlina do Aten przez Prage, Wiede?, Belgrad i Wroc?aw.
Projekt powsta?y na skutek wspó?pracy wielu artystów skupionych wokó? idei eksperymentowania na polu muzyki improwizowanej, performance'u, ta?ca, sztuk wizualnych (etc.) wspó?pracuj?cych z sob? od lat oraz ??cz?cych si? na scenie w spontaniczne, niezaplanowane kolaboracje.