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ZitatIn Holland war am We auch ne Party der maschinellen & dunklen Art. Hier ein paar Sets vom Abend..Spootnikhttp://rapidshare.com/files/313963216/Sp...9.mp3.html"; class="postlinkMindustrieshttp://rapidshare.com/files/313946372/Mi...9.mp3.html"; class="postlinkDistorted Chaos1. SE - 15mg2. Access To Arasaka - Monoscan3. Aphorism - Ulkine4. Zeller - Macbooking5. DJ Hidden - The Traveller6. HPC - Run7. 100blumen - The Anger8. S.K.E.T. - 700,000 Tons To Wipe Out Humankind9. Imminent - Ila10. Monokrom - Wiz Ga-Wiz11. Synapscape - Who Painted My Cat Black12. Broken Note - The Fury13. Scrap.Edx - Merciless Protraction14. Hypnoskull - Money And Bitches15. W.A.S.T.E. - Marked For Extinction (Mono-Amine Remix)16. Iszoloscope - 28 0c And Falling17. Synth-Etik - Lekhttp://rs173.rapidshare.com/files/313566..._STORM.mp3"; class="postlinkCollisionhttp://rapidshare.com/files/313926711/Co...9.mp3.html"; class="postlink
Noize... sweet, sweet Noize...