Da das hier noch niemand gepostet hat... AFX hat vor kurzem 112 unveröffentlichte oder unvollendete Tracks auf Soundcloud hochgeladen und 110 davon inzwischen auch downloadbar gemacht. Ein sehr netter User vom WATMM Forum hat alle runtergeladen und als ZIP zur Verfügung gestellt
Zitat von manmowerFinished organizing my files, and I've uploaded them in case anyone wants them, free account though so I don't know how much bandwidth/how many downloads I'm allowed:
112 tracks (110 downloaded from Soundcloud + the 128 kbps streaming versions of the 2 that were only briefly available).
I've left the filenames unchanged, but tags are as follows. Artist: AFX (it's the hashtag he added to nearly every track and I thought it unnecessary to make exceptions for the couple of aphex/pbod/... ones). Album: user48736353001 Track number: Order they were uploaded Title: As on Soundcloud (so sometimes different from the file name)
I also added his comments and embedded the artwork for each track.
If someone downloads this and finds anything wrong with it (bad files or errors in the tags or whatever), let me know.