Diesesmal bieten wir euch ein musikalisches Programm, welches von den schönsten harmonischen Klängen, über kreativ verschnittene beats , bis hin in die dunkelsten und heftigsten Abgründe von wahrnembaren Tönen vordringt. Ein intensives Erlebniss für Hertz, Seele und Trommelfell.
Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Nicolas Chevreux ( "Vater" von Ad Noiseam) werden wir in den Genuss von zwei Einzigartigen Liveacts kommen. "Igorrr" und "Ruby My Dear" haben beide kürzlich zwei Fantastische neue Alben released und werden uns diese nun präsentieren.
Seit gefasst auf einen Sturm an akkustischen Signalen die sich sehen lassen
Timetable: 22:00-23:30 Mike Able (Deeeep Drumstep ) 23:30-01:00 Nicolas Chevreux (Drum-Break- Hardcore) 01:00-02:00 Igorrr ( Vather of Baroquecore ) 02:00-03:00 Ruby My Dear ( Breakcore Jazz ) 03:00-04:30 Somtek ( Drumcore Crossbreed ) 04:30-06:00 Banzer ( Drum- Break- Dark- core )
06:00-08:00 Auditory Cortex Self-help group (DeliriumScore )
Änderungen bez. Spielzeiten vorbehalten
Hier ein Paar Worte zu unseren Artists (don't be upset, just learn english
?Hallelujah? is not only the follow-up to ?Nostril?, but also a definite step forward for Igorrr. An album which was for years in the making, it is the translation into tracks of very old ideas and the combination not only of styles, but also of many guest musician's talent. Together with several new singers and musicians, Igorrr has perfected here the concepts he had touched in his previous albums, improving his production and mixing breakcore, baroque classical music and metal in an even faster, more coherent and crazier way. Both from Igorrr solo and from his high-profile guests ?Hallelujah? is the lorrrd's concentrate, the exhilarating, mad result of a perfectionist's tireless work.
?My idea was to have tracks where several music genres were represented by only one person? says Gautier Serre (Igorrr) about ?Hallelujah?. More than an electronic music producer, he assumed here the role of composer and conductor for an ensemble of musicians as impressive as unprobable: Mayhem's Teloch laid riffs on several tracks, John Zorn's Adam Stacey lent his accordion, Niveau Zero produced bass sounds, the baroque singer Laure Le Prunenec had to go from opera to death metal, two members of France's other crazy act Vladimir Bozar 'N' Ze Sheraf Orkestär were on board, and even Igorrr's own pet chicken had to follow his master's instructions for some vocal parts.
Breakcore for the thinking, feeling man: Ruby My Dear's long awaited début album is an organic ride through open musical horizons. Sharp and efficient, beautiful and varied, these ?Remains Of Shapes To Come? all fit together in a particularly coherent whole which puts back hard and broken music on the center stage. Songs rather than track, a complex balance rather an exploded insanity: Ruby My Dear is a master of controlled melting pot of genres and sounds and signs here an album which brings new blood, energy and enthusiasm to free-form, musically impressive electronic music. Call it breakcore, call it IDM, or hurry and find a new name, as these ?Shapes To Come? are here to stay.
Music genres come, go, and come back again. It would be an understatement to say that breakcore hasn't been very seen a healthy influx of newcomers in true recent years. While the pillars of this scene (Enduser, Bong-Ra, Venetian Snares, The Teknoist, Rotator and a small handful of others), this free-form, electronic punk has hit the bottom of the wave, only to be reborn. Spearheading this renewal is, as usual with breakcore, a surprising act, hailing from France and named after a jazz tune. Ruby My Dear, which some should have heard recently on Whourkr's "4247 Snare Drums" album, offers with his début album a work which might kick breakcore to life again, and shows that you can do it with style and soul.
The founder of the Ad Noiseam label, Nicolas Chevreux has been ac- tive promoting music since the mid 90?s, when he ran a weekly radio show on his home-town of Grenoble, France before relocating to Ber- lin and creating the Recycle Your Ears web-zine, which pioneered the genre of music blogs before the turn of the century.
Spawning from a one-off experiment, Ad Noiseam became a full fledged label in 2001, and has ever since became one of the longest running and most productive house for challenging, left-of-center electronic music worldwide. Bringing such acts as Bong-Ra, Enduser, Broken Note or Larvae to the front stage, Ad Noiseam strives to produce and promote a wide array of quality-controlled electronic music. In parallel to his activities as a label manager, Nicolas Chevreux has been DJ-ing regularly since the mid-90?s, often touring with bands from Ad Noiseam and performing at festival worldwide.
DJ sets, interviews and profiles about him and Ad Noiseam have ap- peared on RFI, Arte, TV Berlin, ResonanceFM, BBC1, Electronic Explo- rations and countless magazines.
SOMTEK (CH) - ( Korsett / Hula Honeys )
Sound Designer Producer und Dj aus der Region (Luzern) siehe selbst-->
Warmupset in Arbeit, link folgt hier--> Michael Frey mit richtigem Namen. Ist durch seine Passion zum Ton auch beruflich tätig als Tontechniker. Mit seiner Erfahrung Als Produzent und Dj deckt er ein sehr breites Soundspektrum ab. Am Auditory Cortex 2, wird er das Eröffnungsset spielen, Deeeeper Sound versprochen;-) Dubcore Drumstep.... JUST BE THERE !
BANZER (CH) ( R9/ Auditory Cortex CH )
Organisator, Soundfanatiker Dj und ineffizienter Producer " Wird sehr laut, ziemlich heftig und warscheinlich brutal chaotisch. https://soundcloud.com/banzer/banzer-27-...of-war-and" class="postlink Aktuelles Warmup Set wird noch folgen
Die Auditory Cortex Events entstanden auf Grund eines Freundeskreises voll Passionierten, Nachtaktiven Freaks welche davon träumten sich Musikalische Wunderwerke "ins Wohnzimmer" zu holen. Wie auch Mike Able und die Jungs von REC.Design, ist Nico Banzer (Ich) einer davon.
Solche Träume sollten gelebt werden und mit eurem Support wurden beim ersten Auditory Cortex letztes Jahr ( mit Current Value, Balkansky&Loop Stepwalker), und werden diese auch ein weiteres mal, dieses Jahr für euch wahr! Da unser Wohnzimmer leider zu klein ist für euch alle verschieben wir dieses Musikalische Spektakel in den Klub EXIL in Zürich neben die gemütliche Hardbrücke , da haben WIR ALLE mehr davon.
Wir Freuen uns im Voraus auf eure Mittäterschaft an der Bewussten behinderung der Mainstreamgewalt und der geplanten Mitschuld an gewollter Bewusstseinserweiterung unter Einfluss von lauter Musik.
Wir bitten euch weiter unten zu "unterschreiben"
AUDITORY CORTEX 2 *!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*